The next phase of the MASTT2040 project is now underway, focusing on identifying future events that could disrupt the progression of 19 key manufacturing trends. Your participation as a stakeholder is essential in helping us develop scenarios that will offer strategic guidance for the European Commission and Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS) stakeholders.
Join next Event!
We invite you to join the introductory meeting “Disruptive Futures in Manufacturing”, which will take place on Tuesday, September 24th, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CET.
During this session, you will receive instructions on how to use the 4CF PnyX online tool and guidance on the tasks involved.
This initiative is an opportunity for you to contribute to the development of future scenarios for the manufacturing sector. You will have access to the PnyX platform from September 24th to October 3rd, where you can assign disruptive events to the 19 identified trends, as well as comment on and evaluate others’ contributions. Participation is flexible and asynchronous, and you can decide the level of anonymity for your input.
Next Steps
The process will conclude with an online workshop on Friday, October 4th, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CET, where we will review and discuss the results of the collaborative work on the 19 trends.
To participate, please confirm your availability by completing this registration form.